Oat Milk Latte vs Regular Latte Calories: Detailed Comparison (2024)

Hey coffee enthusiasts! Are you curious about the calorie differences between oat milk lattes and regular lattes? Oat milk has become a popular dairy-free alternative for coffee, touted for its creamy texture and nutritional benefits. But how does it compare to traditional milk in terms of calories? In this article, we'll provide a detailed comparison of the calorie content in oat milk lattes vs regular lattes, so you can make an informed decision about your coffee choices. Get ready to discover the calorie breakdowns and nutritional benefits of these two latte options!

Oat Milk Latte Vs. Regular Latte Calories

Caloric Difference

When comparing an oat milk latte to a regular latte, it's important to consider the calorie difference. A grande-sized oat milk latte at Starbucks contains around 270 calories. On the other hand, a regular latte made with whole cow's milk has 150 calories, and a skim version has 90 calories. This shows that oat milk lattes generally have a higher calorie content than their regular counterparts.

Although unsweetened oat milk has around 120 calories per cup, it's significantly less than whole cow's milk but more than other plant-based alternatives like almond milk, which has 30 to 40 calories. Soy milk contains roughly 70 calories per cup, flax milk has 25 to 60, coconut milk has 45, and pea milk has 70 calories.

Contributing Factors

  • Sugar: One factor contributing to the difference in calories between an oat milk latte and a regular latte is the sugar content. Oat milk will typically have a natural sweetness, while cow's milk has lactose, a natural sugar. This can cause slight variations in the amount of sugar and thus the calorie content.
  • Fat: Cow's milk contains both saturated and unsaturated fats, whereas oat milk primarily contains unsaturated fats. The fat content will influence the total calorie count, as fats have 9 calories per gram, whereas carbohydrates and proteins contain 4 calories per gram.
  • Protein: Cow's milk has more protein than oat milk, which may contribute to the caloric difference. For example, a grande-sized oat milk latte has only 1g of protein, while a cup of whole cow's milk has around 8g of protein.
  • Carbohydrates: Oat milk generally has more carbohydrates than cow's milk. A serving of regular oat milk latte consists of 14g of carbohydrates. This can contribute to the difference in calories between an oat milk latte and a regular latte.
  • Fiber: Oat milk is processed from oats, which have a naturally high fiber content. Although some of the fiber is lost during processing, oat milk products still have around 2 or 3 grams of fiber per serving, which is more than other plant-based milk alternatives like almond or rice milk. Fiber, though not a significant calorie contributor, can impact the overall caloric value slightly.

It's worth noting that these factors can vary depending on the brand of oat milk, the type of cow's milk used (whole, 2%, 1%, or skim), and any additional sweeteners or flavorings that may be present in the latte.

Nutritional Differences


When comparing the nutritional content of oat milk lattes to regular lattes, there are some key differences in terms of macronutrients. A grande oat milk latte has about 270 calories, while a regular latte with low-fat milk of the same size typically contains around 190 calories. The oat milk latte has slightly lower amounts of protein (1g) compared to a regular latte (12g) due to the milk substitute. On the other hand, fat content varies depending on the type of milk used in the regular latte; low-fat milk contains around 5g of fat, while oat milk used in the latte has around 5-9g, depending on the brand.


In terms of micronutrients, oat milk has more manganese, copper, vitamin B1, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B5 than low-fat milk. However, low-fat milk is a much better source of vitamin B12. Oat milk generally needs to be fortified with calcium to match the calcium content in milk – around 350mg per cup – which is essential for bone health.

Fiber Content

One significant difference between oat milk and regular milk is the fiber content. Oat milk contains more fiber than regular milk, with a grande-sized oat milk latte providing around 2g of fiber. In contrast, a regular latte made with low-fat milk has no significant fiber content. Consuming fiber in moderate amounts can support digestive health and help maintain cardiovascular well-being.

Vitamins and Minerals

Oat milk contains several essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B5, iron, magnesium, and zinc. However, it’s worth mentioning that different brands of oat milk might have varying amounts of these nutrients, and some may be fortified with additional vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin D, and riboflavin. On the other hand, low-fat milk has naturally occurring vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin A, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and folate, making it a more comprehensive source of various essential nutrients.

In conclusion, when deciding between an oat milk latte and a regular latte, it's essential to consider individual dietary preferences and needs. Oat milk lattes offer more fiber, manganese, and some additional vitamins and minerals compared to regular lattes. However, they also contain slightly more calories, less protein, and may be lower in vitamin B12. Ultimately, both options can be part of a balanced diet that takes into account your unique nutritional requirements.

Taste and Texture Comparison

Latte Flavor Profiles

When comparing the taste of an oat milk latte to a regular latte (typically made with cow's milk), there are some differences in flavor profiles. Oat milk tends to have a slightly sweet and nutty taste, while cow's milk has a more neutral flavor. This can impact the overall taste of the latte, with oat milk adding a unique twist to the traditional espresso and steamed milk combination.

For those who enjoy the distinct taste of coffee, a regular latte may provide more of that authentic flavor as the neutral cow's milk allows the espresso's taste to stand out. However, the true potential of any espresso-based drink can be unlocked with the right equipment. By opting for a commercial espresso machine, coffee enthusiasts can achieve that perfect balance between milk and espresso. On the other hand, an oat milk latte offers a subtle sweetness and a creamy experience, which may appeal to those who prefer a milder coffee taste or are seeking a dairy-free option

Mouthfeel and Creaminess

In terms of mouthfeel and creaminess, oat milk has a thicker texture compared to almond milk or cow's milk. This can provide a rich and satisfying experience for those who enjoy a creamy latte. However, it's important to note that this thickness may also contribute to the higher calorie content found in oat milk lattes compared to other milk alternatives or regular lattes.

When comparing oat milk lattes to regular cow's milk lattes, the mouthfeel can be quite similar. Whole cow's milk lattes are known for their creamy texture, which closely resembles the creaminess found in oat milk lattes. Skim or lower fat cow's milk lattes may have a thinner texture, resulting in a less creamy mouthfeel than oat milk lattes.

Here's a brief comparison of the calories in different types of lattes:

Latte TypeCalories per Cup
Oat Milk Latte120
Whole Cow's Milk Latte150
Skim Cow's Milk Latte90
Almond Milk Latte30-40
Soy Milk Latte70

In conclusion, the taste and texture of an oat milk latte differ from a regular latte due to the unique flavor profile and creaminess offered by oat milk. Choosing between the two comes down to personal preferences, dietary restrictions, and calorie considerations.

Health Considerations

Lactose Intolerance and Allergies

Consuming oat milk lattes instead of regular lattes can be a good option for individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. Oat milk is dairy-free and naturally lactose-free, allowing people with dietary restrictions to enjoy a creamy latte without the discomfort associated with lactose or dairy products.

Vegan and Plant-Based Diets

For those following a vegan or plant-based diet, oat milk lattes are an ideal choice. Oat milk is a non-dairy milk that is derived from whole oat grains, making it suitable for those who abstain from animal products. Its creamy texture and naturally sweet taste provide a satisfying alternative to traditional dairy-based lattes.

Weight Management

Considering calorie content, oat milk lattes may have slightly more calories compared to regular lattes made with low-fat milk. However, oat milk contains healthy fats such as monounsaturated fat and fiber that can contribute to a sense of fullness, possibly helping in weight management. Moderation in consumption and using healthier sweetener options are important factors for those who prioritize weight loss.

Latte TypeServing SizeCalories
Oat Milk1 cup~120
Regular1 cup~100-150

Blood Sugar and Disease Management

Oat milk lattes can be a suitable option for individuals managing their blood sugar levels, as oat milk has a lower glycemic index compared to cow's milk. This means that it may have a less significant impact on blood sugar levels. Additionally, oat milk contains 2 grams of fiber per serving, which can promote healthy digestion and blood sugar regulation.

In terms of disease management, oat milk has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, thanks to its beta-glucan content - a type of fiber found in oats. Lower cholesterol levels can contribute to better heart health and a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

In summary, oat milk lattes offer several health considerations for people with various dietary requirements and health goals. These include lactose intolerance, allergies, vegan or plant-based diets, weight management, and blood sugar or disease management. Being aware of these benefits and making informed choices can help individuals enjoy their lattes while prioritizing their health needs.

Oat Milk Vs Other Plant-Based Milks

When comparing oat milk to other plant-based milk alternatives, it's important to consider their nutritional profiles, taste, and environmental impact. In this section, we'll examine oat milk in relation to almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, rice milk, and cashew milk.

Almond Milk

Almond milk is a popular plant-based milk alternative made from almonds and water. It is lower in calories and fat compared to oat milk, but it is also lower in protein and fiber. Almond milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. However, almond milk production requires more water than oat milk, which may be a concern for environmentally conscious consumers.

Soy Milk

Soy milk, made from soybeans and water, is another popular plant-based milk alternative. It is nutritionally more similar to cow's milk than oat milk, as it contains higher levels of protein. Soy milk is also enriched with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. However, some people may have concerns about soy's potential impact on hormone levels, which contributes to its mixed reception among consumers.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a creamy, tropical-tasting milk alternative made from the white flesh of coconuts and water. It is higher in fat, especially saturated fat, compared to oat milk. Coconut milk is low in protein and carbohydrates and is not a significant source of vitamins and minerals. It is also important to note that coconut milk has a distinct taste that may not suit everyone's preferences or work well in certain recipes.

Hemp Milk

Hemp milk, made from hemp seeds and water, is a less common plant-based milk option. It is lower in calories, carbohydrates, and protein compared to oat milk, but it contains more healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. While hemp milk is a good source of these essential nutrients, it lacks the creamy consistency of oat milk and may taste more earthy or nutty.

Rice Milk

Rice milk is a mild and naturally sweet milk alternative made from rice and water. Compared to oat milk, rice milk is lower in calories, fat, and protein but higher in carbohydrates. It is often fortified with vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and vitamin D. The downside of rice milk is that it can be high in sugar content and not as creamy as other milk alternatives like oat milk.

Cashew Milk

Cashew milk, made from cashews and water, is another nut-based milk alternative. It is lower in calories, fat, and protein compared to oat milk, but it has a rich and creamy texture. Cashew milk is often fortified with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12. However, cashew milk production requires more water than oat milk, making it less environmentally friendly in comparison.

In summary, each plant-based milk alternative has its unique nutritional profile, taste, and environmental impact. Oat milk, with its creamy texture and naturally sweet taste, is a versatile option that works well in a variety of recipes.


Sweetened Vs Unsweetened Lattes

Natural and Added Sugars

When comparing oat milk lattes to regular lattes, the sugar content can vary depending on whether the latte is sweetened or unsweetened. Naturally occurring sugars are found in both oat milk and regular milk. However, unsweetened lattes contain only these natural sugars, while sweetened lattes have additional sugars or sweeteners added to them.

In a grande-sized oat milk latte at Starbucks, there are about 270 calories, including 2g of fiber and 1g of protein. Oat milk is higher in calories and carbs than other nondairy options like almond and rice milk, with approximately 120 calories and 16g of carbs per cup.

A regular milk latte, depending on the choice of milk, can range from 150 to 230 calories. For example, a whole milk latte might contain about 18g of sugar, while a nonfat latte might have about 12g of sugar. Note that these figures are for unsweetened variants; adding sugar or syrups will increase the overall calorie content.

Sweeteners and Alternatives

When it comes to sweetening lattes, there are numerous options available, including natural sweeteners such as honey or brown sugar, and artificial or alternative sweeteners like stevia or erythritol. The choice of sweetener plays a significant role in the overall caloric content of the latte. Here's a quick comparison of sweetener options:

  • Honey: 1 tbsp (21g) of honey contains around 64 calories and 17g of sugar.
  • Brown sugar: 1 tbsp (12g) of brown sugar contains approximately 51 calories and 13g of sugar.
  • Stevia: This zero-calorie natural sweetener, often used in sugar substitutes, doesn't add any calories or sugar content to your latte.

When considering which sweetener to use for your latte, it's essential to keep in mind the calorie content and your dietary preferences. Some people might prefer a more natural taste from honey or brown sugar, while others may choose to limit their caloric intake or sugar content by using substitutes like stevia.

To sum up, the calorie content of an oat milk latte or regular latte depends on several factors, including the choice of milk or milk alternative, and the chosen sweetener. Those looking for a lower-calorie, dairy-free latte might prefer using unsweetened almond milk and a zero-calorie sweetener, while others may appreciate the fuller taste of a whole milk latte with honey or brown sugar.

Oat Milk Latte vs Regular Latte Calories: Detailed Comparison (2024)


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