Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (2024)

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Try this quick and easy homemade orange marmalade recipe when you’re in a hurry or when you just have a craving for a delicious marmalade!

Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (2)


Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe

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1 orange*
1 Tbsp. water
1/2 cup sugar


  1. Cut the un-peeled orange.
  2. Place into a blender or food processor with the water and blend until the orange peel is finely chopped.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan with the sugar.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.


*If you use a non-organic orange, wash the peels thoroughly before peeling.

This easy homemade orange marmalade recipe is from our cookbook:

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Reader Interactions


  1. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (7)Emily

    how long will this keep in the fridge? Long enough to spread on a few slices of toast and make a few sandwiches? ;)


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (8)Jill

      This will last just as long as any jam or jelly does after you open a jar of it. Most jams and jellies are “acidy” and orange is especially so which means it has a natural preservative. Most of the time even after a couple of months they don’t get “bad” they just start sugaring which mean the sugar in them starts to crystallize and even then you can still use them by heating them a little the crystals dissolve.


  2. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (9)Patricia

    This recipe is one I am going to make. A great way to use up an extra orange, and I just bought sugar on sale yesterday. Yeh!


  3. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (10)grandma

    Will go nicely in a gift basket for Christmas.
    Would I double the water if I added in a lemon?
    haven’t made marmalade in years as I can’t have it so this would be fun to make and give away.
    Also a change from rhubarb jam and preserves I have been making for 4 weeks now.


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (11)Jill

      Depending on the size of the lemon but you might want to add a little extra water and sugar or you could just use lemon zest and leave it as is.


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (13)Jill

      Yes you can probably can it. It has most of the same ingredients for regular jams or jellies.


  4. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (14)Heather :) :) :)

    I think orange marmelade is really nice on a hot biscuit with butter slathered on top :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)


  5. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (15)Heidi

    this sounds wonderful, I love orange marmalade but it is usually so expensive in stores.


  6. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (16)Cathy

    does this just make 8oz.?


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (17)Jill

      Yes it makes close to that depending on the size of your orange.


  7. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (18)dot

    can you use sugar substitute in making tangerine marmalade


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (19)Jill

      Here is a web site that talks about substituting sugar. There are many others if you would like to google them too. You can make many jams and marmalade without using any sugar or sugar substitute at all if you want.


  8. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (20)susan

    Yum – this looks great. Thanks!


  9. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (21)Michele Stratton

    Jill–could I use apricots (taking out the pit of course) instead of oranges? My dad’s apricots all almost ripe on his apricot tree.


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (22)Jill

      I have never tried apricots but you could try a few and see what happens. There is so few ingredients that you wouldn’t be out much plus if it fails the worse that would happen is it might be too mushy or syrupy which you could use a syrup; a sweetener in tea; sweetener in with some kind of juice.


  10. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (23)grizzly bear mom

    Directions say to place in blender. How long do you blend it or to what consistency?


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (24)Jill

      You blend it until the orange peels are the consistency and size that you like them. If you like bigger pieces of orange peel do it less and some people like a more fine orange peel.


  11. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (25)Rachel H

    I really love orange marmalade, as well as strawberry preserves. Like Tawra I have FM, and my daughter gave me a nutrition and cook book that says I should not have sugar or sugar substitutes. I admit that if I stay off the sugar I do feel better. I can however use honey, molasses or maple syrup as a sweetener. I may just have to try this out with some honey, may not taste the same, may be better, who knows?


  12. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (27)Lorene Terwilliger

    I use a lot of local honey for sinuses and allergies and sometimes before I get the big glass jar used up, it will crystalize. I know the microwave can fix it but so can the dishwasher. I make sure the cover is on tight and run it through the cycle on the top shelve. Works great!


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (28)Jill

      It is kind of the way we use to do it in the “olden” days before microwaves. We would put the honey or syrup in a pan of hot water on the stove to heat it up. I asked my grandkids one day if they had to warm up syrup without a microwave how would they do it and they didn’t have a clue so the had a lesson in heating things. Never thought about the dishwasher though. Great idea.


  13. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (29)Martine

    Very interesting softening honey in the dishwasher. It reminds me how recently I heard on radio some people have invented a new method to use the dishwasher as a kind of “low-temperature-cooker” – they seem to put the food in really tight containers and then put them in the dishwasher like Lorene does with the honey. Cannot say however whether this really works because I did not try this myself but those people telling on the radio were very happy with their new cooking method.


  14. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (30)Mary Jane

    In Canada, oranges often come on sale in late February to early March. I guess that is when they are clearing out the storage warehouses to make room for new crops. Any way, that is a good time to buy the oranges in large amounts and make a good batch of marmalade. My recipe is an older traditional one, but it was easier to make than I expected, and well worth it. The flavour of homemade jam or marmalade can’t be beat. The freshness of marmalade is also welcome treat after months of winter.


  15. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (31)Christina

    Can you use this with other fruits ,looks so was and yummy.


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (32)Jill

      I have never tried this exact recipe with other fruit but most jams and jellies are basically fruit juice, sugar and a little water. You will be using only 1 piece of fruit and a little sugar so if it doesn’t work you won’t be out a bunch of expensive ingredients. Usually the only thing that goes wrong in a recipe like this too is it doesn’t thicken quite enough and if that happens just use it for syrup instead.


  16. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (33)Catherine


    I’m wondering if I could cut the sugar in half and still have a thickish marmalade? Thank you – your recipe looks so easy, I thought I would try it, but with less sugar (I use organic sugar when I cook).


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (34)Jill

      You could easily try it with this recipe because the most you will be out if it doesn’t work is 1 orange and a small amount of sugar. The most that will happen is you may have a little trouble with it setting up.


      • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (35)Catherine

        Thank you Jill, I’m sure it will still be edible :-) We have many fruit trees and I have made lots of peach and apricot jam but never marmalade – I use my jams/preserves for a fruit and nut bread (the preserve replaces the usual fruit and sugar).


  17. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (36)Catherine

    Hi Jill,

    I just did a quick navel orange marmalade and it turned out nicely. Thank you.


  18. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (37)Monica

    I made this marmalade twice..we all enjoyed it. I made a fresh jar today..Thank you so much for this delicious and easy recipe Jill.


  19. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (38)Rochelle

    I made this today to use up some oranges and came.out really good just a little on a piece of toast yummy…and making orange chicken with it too I made like 3 jars..


  20. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (39)Rochelle

    Meant to day too Thank you so much for the simple recipe..I made some plum jam thr other day with a different recipe I am a first timer when coming to making jams and jellies and so far everything I have made had been a hit!! Again thank u


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (40)Rochelle

      has been a hit


  21. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (41)Dee

    Normally, you would boil the oranges whole till they are tender, mashing the insides to use only the juice from the inside then slicing the skins thinly. I think it gives a more traditional texture to the marmalade than the blender method but takes a couple hours to cook oranges whole. I’m thinking of trying it in a pressure cooker or instant pot.


  22. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (42)Chris

    I had to add some cornstarch slurry to the mix. Maybe my oranges were extra juicy


  23. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (43)AC

    Just as an FYI organic doesn’t mean no pesticides.. just certain chemicals can’t be used ..there are organic pesticides…. I would still wash all fruit & veg


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (44)Jill

      Personally I was organic foods way more than I do other because there are way more cases of people getting very sick from food poisoning eating organic that other foods.


  24. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (45)Tony

    Have you tried this with multiple oranges? Is the cook time the same 15 minutes if let’s say I use 4 oranges ?


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (46)Jill

      I have never tried this recipe with more but I think it would need a little longer cooking time. Probably 35-40 mins just watch it and when it darkens a little and thickens then you know it is ready. Even if it doesn’t thicken the right amount when you make it the first time it will still be great on pancakes and things like that


  25. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (47)Paula

    You say put the sliced orange and water into a blender. Then pour mix into a pan. How long do you blend it? What consistency?


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (48)Jill

      Until the peel is ground up pretty fine or to whatever consistency that you would like it to be.


  26. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (49)Bonnie Wingo

    Best tasting Marmalade I ever had.
    Very tasty Orange Marmalade.
    I will definitely make this again.

    I used 2 medium oranges.
    I had to add a bit more water to adjust the thickness. I also followed other tips. I added a pinch of ground cloves and cinnamon. The spices were strong at first. After 24 hours in the fridge, the spices mellow and add a very pleasant taste to the marmalade.
    Made about 3/4 of a pint.


  27. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (50)Rebekah

    I made this today, and my kids and I loved it! We put it on toast right out of the sauce pot. But when I let it cool completely before putting it in the fridge, it hardened a bit. How do I keep it spreadable? Will I need to reheat it?


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (51)Jill

      Your orange may not have quite as juicy or it cooked a little too long. So try next time to either add just a tiny bit more water or cooking it a minute or 2 less. You may have to reheat the batch you made for now to make it spreadable.


  28. Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (52)Roseann

    Absolutely delicious and so simple to make.


    • Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (53)Jill

      Thank you Roseann. So glad you liked it.


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Homemade Easy Orange Marmalade Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to good marmalade? ›

Pectin is key

Pectin is a substance found in apples, citrus and other fruits that helps jams, jellies and marmalades set. Some fruits, such as lemons, have higher levels than others, which is why lemons make a great marmalade, and lemon juice and zest is sometimes added to marmalades made with other citrus.

How to make marmalade step by step? ›

How to Make Marmalade
  1. Step 1: Choosing the Fruit. ...
  2. Step 2: Washing Jars. ...
  3. Step 3: Peeling the Fruit. ...
  4. Step 4: Chopping the Peel. ...
  5. Step 5: Separating the Juice From the Pulp. ...
  6. Step 6: Boiling the Juice, Peel and Pulp. ...
  7. Step 7: Sterilising the Jars in the Oven. ...
  8. Step 8: Adding the Sugar.

What is the ratio of sugar to fruit for marmalade? ›

What's the ratio of sugar to fruit in marmalade? Because of the tartness of a Seville orange, the ratio of sugar to fruit in marmalade is 2:1. This recipe calls for 2kg of sugar and 1kg of oranges but you can scale it down or up using that ratio.

What is the difference between orange jam and orange marmalade? ›

Marmalades contain the peel of the fruit as opposed to the whole fruit which jam is made from. Is marmalade just orange jam? No, orange jams use the entire fruit by crushing, pureeing and cooking, whereas marmalades consist of the citrus peel, (not the whole fruit).

How do you reduce the bitterness in orange marmalade? ›

The most important step in making orange jam is to boil orange peels to remove the bitter, bitter substance of this jam. In the steps of making jam, the orange peel step will greatly affect the quality of the final product.

Does lemon juice thicken marmalade? ›

Lemons contain a very high amount of pectin, which naturally sets and thickens the marmalade. If your marmalade is too thick for your liking after it cools, then it's likely that too much water evaporated as it simmered, and you can just add a bit more water for a more spoonable consistency.

Do you stir marmalade while boiling? ›

Pam Corbin, preserving expert and former owner of Thursday Cottage, marmalade and jam makers: After adding sugar to the oranges, stir the mixture over a gentle heat to ensure it's completely dissolved before it starts to boil. Once it's reached a rolling boil, disturb it as little as possible.

Why put butter in marmalade? ›

To prevent scum forming on the top of your jam, add a knob of butter to your fruit at the same time as you add the sugar, we recommend 20 grams per 1 kilogram of fruit. Note: Scum is nothing sinister, it is only air bubbles that are created during the cooking process, they will not ruin your jam/marmalade if they form.

Should you remove the pith when making marmalade? ›

If pith is discarded, the balance of the recipe will be compromised, affecting the set as pith is an invaluable source of pectin.

What happens if you don't put enough sugar in marmalade? ›

Marmalade is by its nature a high sugar preserve. When you reduce the sugar or use a natural sweetener, achieving set can be harder, because there may not be enough sugar present in the preserve to elevate the temperature to the 220F set point.

Why do you soak oranges for marmalade? ›

Leave to soak overnight. This helps to extract the maximum amount of pectin from the fruit pulp, which will give a better set. It also helps to soften the peel, which will reduce the amount of cooking needed.

What fruit is best in marmalade making? ›

Citrus is the most typical choice of fruit for marmalade, though historically the term has often been used for non-citrus preserves. One popular citrus fruit used in marmalade production is the bitter orange, Citrus aurantium var.

Why does my marmalade taste bitter? ›

Use Valencia oranges if you can find them – if not, regular navel oranges are fine too. The main secret in producing a sweet (instead of bitter) marmalade is to reduce the amount of white pith, seeds, and membranes.

Why is my homemade marmalade cloudy? ›

Too much stirring can lead to a cloudy marmalade and it will reach setting point faster if left alone. Experienced marmalade makers know when the setting point has been reached by looking and listening, but newbies will need a thermometer.

Is marmalade healthier than jam? ›

Although the major nutritional differences between the two occur in their macronutrients, their contributions to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals add to the benefits of jam over marmalade. With much more vitamin C and iron, jam is both more beneficial and less detrimental to your diet than marmalade.

How do you produce good quality marmalade? ›

5 Tips for Making Perfect Marmalade
  1. Pick the best oranges. Seville oranges, so called because they are grown near Seville in southern Spain, are very seasonal. ...
  2. Choose the right time. ...
  3. Master your techniques. ...
  4. Try new things. ...
  5. Consult with the experts.


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