Biography of Nellie Bly, Investigative Journalist, World Traveler (2024)

The reporter known as Nellie Bly was born Elizabeth Jane Cochran in Cochran's Mills, Pennsylvania, where her father was a mill owner and county judge. Her mother was from a wealthy Pittsburgh family. "Pink," as she was known in childhood, was the youngest of 13 (or 15, according to other sources) of her father's children from both of his marriages; Pink competed to keep up with her five older brothers.

Fast Facts: Nellie Bly

  • Also Known As: Elizabeth Jane Cochran (birth name), Elizabeth Cochrane (a spelling she adopted), Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman (married name), Elizabeth Seaman, Nelly Bly, Pink Cochran (childhood nickname)
  • Occupation: journalist, writer
  • Known For: investigative reporting and sensationalist journalism, especially her commitment to an insane asylum and her around-the-world stunt
  • Born: May 5, 1864 in Cochrans Mills, Pennsylvania
  • Parents: Mary Jane Kennedy Cummings and Michael Cochran
  • Died: January 27, 1922 in New York
  • Spouse: Robert Livingston Seaman (married April 5, 1895, when he was 70; millionaire industrialist)
  • Children: none from her marriage, but adopted a child when she was 57
  • Education: Indiana State Normal School, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Bly's father died when she was only six. Her father's money was divided among the children, leaving little for Nellie Bly and her mother to live on. Her mother remarried, but her new husband, John Jackson Ford, was violent and abusive, and in 1878 she filed for divorce. The divorce was final in June of 1879.

Nellie Bly briefly attended college at Indiana State Normal School, intending to prepare to be a teacher, but funds ran out in the middle of her first semester there, and she left. She had discovered both a talent and interest in writing and talked her mother into moving to Pittsburgh to look for work in that field. But she did not find anything, and the family was forced to live in slum conditions.

Finding Her First Reporting Job

With her already-clear experience with the necessity of a woman working and the difficulty of finding work, she read an article in the Pittsburgh Dispatch called "What Girls Are Good For," which dismissed the qualifications of women workers. She wrote an angry letter to the editor as a response, signing it "Lonely Orphan Girl"—and the editor thought enough of her writing to offer her an opportunity to write for the paper.

She wrote her first piece for the newspaper, on the status of working women in Pittsburgh, under the name "Lonely Orphan Girl." When she was writing her second piece, on divorce, either she or her editor (the stories told differ) decided she needed a more appropriate pseudonym, and "Nellie Bly" became her nom de plume. The name was taken from the then-popular Stephen Foster tune, "Nelly Bly."

When Nellie Bly wrote human interest pieces exposing the conditions of poverty and discrimination in Pittsburgh, local leaders pressured her editor, George Madden, and he reassigned her to cover fashion and society—more typical "women's interest" articles. But those didn't hold Nellie Bly's interest.


Nellie Bly arranged to travel to Mexico as a reporter. She took her mother along as a chaperone, but her mother soon returned, leaving her daughter to travel unchaperoned, unusual for that time, and somewhat scandalous. Nellie Bly wrote about Mexican life, including its food and culture—but also about its poverty and the corruption of its officials. She was expelled from the country and returned to Pittsburgh, where she began reporting for the Dispatch again. She published her Mexican writings as a book, Six Months in Mexico, in 1888.

But she was soon bored with that work, and quit, leaving a note for her editor, "I'm off for New York. Look out for me. Bly."

Off for New York

In New York, Nellie Bly found it difficult to find work as a newspaper reporter because she was a woman. She did some freelance writing for the Pittsburgh paper, including an article about her difficulty in finding work as a reporter.

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In 1887, Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World hired her, seeing her as fitting into his campaign to "expose all fraud and sham, fight all public evil and abuses"—part of the reformist trend in newspapers of that time.

Ten Days in a Mad House

For her first story, Nellie Bly had herself committed as insane. Using the name "Nellie Brown," and pretending to be Spanish-speaking, she was first sent to Bellevue and then, on September 25, 1887, admitted to Blackwell's Island Madhouse. After ten days, lawyers from the newspaper were able to get her released as planned.

She wrote of her own experience where doctors, with little evidence, pronounced her insane and of other women who were probably just as sane as she was, but who didn't speak good English or were thought to be unfaithful. She wrote of the horrible food and living conditions, and the generally poor care.

The articles were published in October 1887 and were widely reprinted across the country, making her famous. Her writings on her asylum experience were published in 1887 as Ten Days in a Mad House. She proposed a number of reforms—and, after a grand jury investigation, many of those reforms were adopted.

More Investigative Reporting

This was followed with investigations and exposés on sweatshops, baby-buying, jails, and corruption in the legislature. She interviewed Belva Lockwood, the Woman Suffrage Party presidential candidate, and Buffalo Bill, as well as the wives of three presidents (Grant, Garfield, and Polk). She wrote about the Oneida Community, an account republished in book form.

Biography of Nellie Bly, Investigative Journalist, World Traveler (2)

Around the World

Her most famous stunt, though, was her competition with the fictional "Around the World in 80 Days" trip of Jules Verne's character, Phileas Fogg, an idea proposed by G. W. Turner. She left from New York to sail to Europe on November 14, 1889, taking only two dresses and one bag. Traveling by many means including boat, train, horse, and rickshaw, she made it back in 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 14 seconds. The last leg of the trip, from San Francisco to New York, was via a special train provided by the newspaper.

The World published daily reports of her progress and held a contest to guess her return time, with over a million entries. In 1890, she published about her adventure in Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days. She went on a lecture tour, including a trip to Amiens, France, where she interviewed Jules Verne.

The Famous Female Reporter

She was, now, the most famous female reporter of her time. She quit her job, writing serial fiction for three years for another New York publication—fiction that is far from memorable. In 1893 she returned to the World. She covered the Pullman strike, with her coverage having the unusual distinction of paying attention to the conditions of the strikers' lives. She interviewed Eugene Debs and Emma Goldman.

Chicago, Marriage

In 1895, she left New York for a job in Chicago with the Times-Herald. She only worked there for six weeks. She met Brooklyn millionaire and industrialist Robert Seaman, who was 70 to her 31 (she claimed she was 28). In just two weeks, married him. The marriage had a rocky start. His heirs—and a previous common-law wife or mistress—were opposed to the match. She went off to cover a women's suffrage convention and interview Susan B. Anthony; Seaman had her followed, but she had the man he hired arrested and then published an article about being a good husband. She wrote an article in 1896 on why women should fight in the Spanish American War—and that was the last article she wrote until 1912.

Biography of Nellie Bly, Investigative Journalist, World Traveler (3)

Nellie Bly, Businesswoman

Nellie Bly—now Elizabeth Seaman—and her husband settled down, and she took an interest in his business. He died in 1904, and she took over the Ironclad Manufacturing Co. which made enameled ironware. She expanded the American Steel Barrel Co. with a barrel that she claimed to have invented, promoting it to increase the success appreciably of her late husband's business interests. She changed the method of payment of workers from piecework to a salary and even provided recreation centers for them.

Unfortunately, a few of the long term employees were caught cheating the company, and a long legal battle ensued, ending in bankruptcy, and employees sued her. Impoverished, she began writing for the New York Evening Journal. In 1914, to avoid a warrant for obstructing justice, she fled to Vienna, Austria—just as World War I was breaking out.


In Vienna, Nellie Bly was able to watch World War I unfolding. She sent a few articles to the Evening Journal. She visited the battlefields, even trying out the trenches, and promoted U.S. aid and involvement to save Austria from "Bolsheviks."

Back to New York

In 1919, she returned to New York, where she successfully sued her mother and brother for the return of her house and what remained of the business she had inherited from her husband. She returned to the New York Evening Journal, this time writing an advice column. She also worked to help place orphans into adoptive homes and adopted a child herself at age 57.

Nellie Bly was still writing for the Journal when she died of heart disease and pneumonia in 1922. In a column published the day after she died, famous reporter Arthur Brisbane called her "the best reporter in America."

Books by Nellie Bly

  • Ten Days in a Mad-House; or Nellie Bly's Experience on Blackwell's Island. Feigning Insanity in order to Reveal Asylum Horrors.... 1887.
  • Six Months in Mexico. 1888.
  • The Mystery in Central Park. 1889.
  • Outline of Bible Theology! Exacted from a Letter by a Lady to the New York World of 2nd June, 1889. 1889.
  • Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days. 1890.

Books About Nellie Bly:

  • Jason Marks. The Story of Nellie Bly. 1951.
  • Nina Brown Baker. Nellie Bly. 1956.
  • Iris Noble. Nellie Bly: First Woman Reporter. 1956.
  • Mignon Rittenhouse. The Amazing Nellie Bly. 1956.
  • Emily Hahn. Around the World with Nellie Bly. 1959.
  • Terry Dunnahoo. Nellie Bly: A Portrait. 1970.
  • Charles Parlin Graves. Nellie Bly, Reporter for the World. 1971.
  • Ann Donegan Johnson. The Value of Fairness: The Story of Nellie Bly. 1977.
  • Tom Lisker. Nellie Bly: First Woman of the News. 1978.
  • Kathy Lynn Emerson. Making Headlines: A Biography of Nellie Bly. 1981.
  • Judy Carlson. "Nothing Is Impossible," Said Nellie Bly. 1989.
  • Elizabeth Ehrlich. Nellie Bly. 1989.
  • Martha E. Kendall. Nellie Bly: Reporter for the World. 1992.
  • Marcia Schneider. First Woman of the News. 1993.
  • Brooke Kroeger. Nellie Bly: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist. 1994.
Biography of Nellie Bly, Investigative Journalist, World Traveler (2024)


Who is Nellie Bly summary? ›

Nellie Bly was a nationally significant journalist at the New York World. She was a pioneer in investigative journalism. Her reporting introduced readers to the horrors of insane asylums and to international travel.

Why was Nellie Bly important in the history of journalism? ›

Nellie Bly was the most famous American woman reporter of the 19th century. Her investigation of conditions at an insane asylum sparked outrage, legal action, and improvements of the treatment of the mentally ill. Her trip around the world in 72 days brought her even further fame.

What type of journalist is Bly best known for? ›

Her undercover reporting made Bly one of the first investigative journalists. Bly's six-part series, Ten Days in the Mad-House, exposed cruel beatings, ice cold baths, forced meals, and more. Her story shocked the public. After further investigations, funding was increased for the institution and patient care improved.

Why did Nellie Bly travel the world? ›

On November 14, 1889, Nellie Bly set off on her race around the world in an attempt to beat the "record" set in Jules Verne's fictional book, "Around the World in 80 Days." People from around the world watched to see if this young woman could get along on such a trip, alone.

What is the main point Nellie Bly makes? ›

The main points that Nellie Bly makes is that people do not wants to get entangled or become answerable for someone they believe to be insane. In the story, of Ten Days in a Mad-House She as said to be very afraid of letting people know her plans, confirmation and lastly her conviction were key aspect of her goal.

What motivated Nellie Bly to explore? ›

native Nellie Bly started a 25,000-mile journey around the world, inspired by the popular Jules Verne book “Around the World in Eighty Days.” Nearly 131 years later, we're sharing her adventures in real time.

What was Nellie Bly's famous quote? ›

It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world. I have watched patients stand and gaze longingly toward the city they in all likelihood will never enter again.

What are Nellie Bly character traits? ›

Bly had all the qualities these philosophers describe. Her independence, self-confidence, and courage allowed her to take the asylum assignment. Her authenticity, even while playing a role, helped her get close to her fellow inmates while inside.

What problem did Nellie Bly expose? ›

During her 10-day stay in the asylum, Bly witnessed horrifying conditions of neglect and abuse of the patients, some of whom were mentally ill and needed professional care, and others who were sent there by family members or were suffering from physical ailments.

What was Nellie Bly looking for? ›

She wanted to write a story on the immigrant experience in the United States. The editor, Joseph Pulitzer, declined that story, but he challenged Bly to investigate one of New York's most notorious mental asylums, Blackwell's Island.

What was Nellie Bly's goal? ›

A Famous Reporter

She became famous for her bravery and reporting. She also helped to expose the poor treatment of the asylum patients and to improve their conditions. Nellie went on to write more investigative articles about the unfair treatment of women in the late 1800s.

Why did Nellie Bly want to be a journalist? ›

Nellie Bly famously said that she wanted to 'do something no girl has done before', a wish that came true through her ground-breaking investigative journalism. Her real name was Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, something she changed when she began writing.

What did Nellie Bly say about the asylum? ›

The insane asylum on Blackwell's Island is a human-rat trap,” Bly concluded. It did her no good, she discovered, to act as she did in ordinary life. “The more I endeavored to assure them of my sanity the more they doubted it.” Only through friends and her lawyer was she able to obtain her release.

Who was the female journalist who went around the world? ›

On January 25, 1890, Nellie Bly completed her journey in Jersey City, New Jersey. It took her 72 days, 6 hours, and 11 minutes to circumnavigate the globe. Another woman journalist, Elizabeth Bisland, had taken on the challenge to travel around the world at the same time as Bly.

Why did Nellie Bly choose her name? ›

When Elizabeth Cochran began in journalism in 1885, it was considered inappropriate for a woman to write under her own name. Cochran's editor chose the name “Nelly Bly” from a Stephen Foster song. However, he also misspelled the name, and she became “Nellie Bly.”

Who was the first woman journalist in the world? ›

Margareta Momma became the first identified female journalist and chief editor as the editor of the political essaypaper Samtal emellan Argi Skugga och en obekant Fruentimbers Skugga in 1738.


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